Our Statement of Faith

  1. In the full and verbal inspiration of the Old Testament and New Testament Scriptures and of these alone; their authority and sufficiency as not only containing, but being in themselves the Word of God, without error, and wholly reliable in both fact and doctrine; their final authority and perpetual sufficiency in all matters of faith and practice.
  2. In the unity of the Godhead and the divine co-equality within the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; the sovereignty of God in creation, providence and redemption.
  3. In the creation of all things in the beginning by the Word of God alone.
  4. In the total depravity of human nature in consequence of the historic Fall of Adam and Eve, by reason of which all mankind is born into a condition of spiritual death, under divine wrath, and is sinful by nature and act.
  5. In the true and full deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only mediator between God and man; his virgin birth; his real and perfect manhood; the authority of his teaching, and the infallibility of his utterances; his work of atonement for sinners by his vicarious, penal, substitutionary sufferings and death on the cross, by which as our Redeemer and Representative he bore our sins and propitiated God’s wrath; his bodily resurrection, and his ascension into heaven; and his present priestly intercession for his people at the right hand of the Father.
  6. In the justification of the sinner by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, this faith being the result of the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in his or her heart.
  7. That the work of the Holy Spirit is essential for a true and spiritual understanding of the Scriptures; for regeneration; repentance and faith in conversion; for sanctification; and for ministry and worship.
  8. In the priesthood of all believers whereby they enjoy the privilege of direct access into the presence of God to confess their sins, to offer the sacrifice of praise and worship, and to receive blessing from God, through the mediation of Jesus Christ alone, who is our great High Priest.
  9. In the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as being instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ, wherein, by material signs, Christ and the benefits of the new covenant are represented. Baptism is a sign of a believer’s fellowship with Christ. The Lord’s Supper is a means of grace and blessing whereby believers remember their Lord’s death, and have real communion with him through the Spirit.
  10. That God is to be worshipped according to his own will as revealed in the Scriptures.
  11. That God has ordained that believers should gather together as members of the church, which is his Body, and of which he is the Head, for fellowship with himself and other believers, for instruction and exhortation under the authority of the preaching of the Word of God, the observance of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and as a united witness in the preaching of the gospel to unbelievers.
  12. That the Lord Jesus Christ will come again in glory and in power. He will raise the dead to appear before him at the day of judgment, believers to go into everlasting life and unbelievers into everlasting condemnation.