January & February 2014





Simon Clarke 23/02/14 pm

2 Peter 3:18

Spiritual growth

Simon Clarke 23/02/14 am

Luke 10:21-24

Christ’s utter joy at God being made known

Roger Hitchings 16/02/14 pm

Hebrews 12:2

Consider Him

Jack Milner 09/02/14 pm

2 Corinthians 4:6

The light of God in the face of Jesus Christ

Simon Clarke 09/02/14 am

Luke 10:17-20

The Christians Greatest Joy – is that they are a Christian

Simon Clarke 02/02/14 pm

Jeremiah 22:16

Knowing God

Simon Clarke 02/02/14 am

Luke 10:5-16

Good news of Jesus is either received or rejected

Simon Clarke 19/01/14 am

Luke 10:1-4

The Lord of the Harvest

Simon Clarke 12/01/14 pm

Jeremiah 9:23,24

Know Him

Simon Clarke 12/01/14 am

Luke 9:57-62

Wholly follow Christ

Jack Milner 05/01/14 pm

Philippians 3:13-14

Forgetting what is past press on in Christ

Simon Clarke 05/01/14 am

Luke 9:51-56

A Samaritan village rejects the Saviour