
PreacherDateTextTitle – left click to play (right click to download)Link to YouTube Video
Simon Clarke21/04/2024 amMark 1:1-2:12The good news of Christ
Simon Clarke11/07/2021 amMark 1:1-13Understand and follow Jesus
Simon Clarke18/07/2021 amMark 1:14-20The authority of Jesus to call us as his disciples
Simon Clarke01/08/2021 amMark 1:39-45Have you in faith been to Jesus Christ to be cleansed?
Stan Braybrook19/11/12 amMark 1:40-45Be clean
Simon Clarke24/02/2019 amMark 1:40-45Jesus Christ is willing to cleanse YOU from your sin
Simon Clarke09/09/07 pmMark 2Good News
Ian Hilder05/11/2017 pmMark 2:1-12What is your deepest need?
Simon Clarke17/11/2019_pmMark 2:1-12Who do you say Jesus is?
Simon Clarke08/08/2021_amMark 2:1-12Something Jesus wants you to know
Simon Clarke05/09/2021 amMark 2:1-17Are you sick or well?
Simon Clarke12/09/2021 amMark 2:18-22Is your heart on a collision course with Jesus?
Kevin Ball26/06/11 pmMark 2:23-28The Sabbath
Simon Clarke19/09/2021 amMark 2:25-3:6The Pharisees plot with the Herodians
Simon Clarke26/09/2021 amMark 3:7-19The christian churches New Testament roots
Ian Hilder03/03/19 pmMark 3:7-35Who are the true followers?
Simon Clarke18/03/07 pmMark 3:33-35The family of Christ
Simon Clarke31/10/2021 amMark 4:1-20What kind of hearer are you?
Simon Terry02/07/2023 pmMark 4:1-20The wondrous window of opportunity
Simon Clarke07/11/2021 am
Mark 4:21-25The importance of how we listen
Simon Clarke18/09/16 amMark 4:3-9The parable of the sower
Simon Clarke25/03/12 pmMark 4:26-29The parable of the growing seed
Simon Clarke23/09/12 amMark 4:26-29The parable of the growing seed
Simon Clarke06/05/2018 amMark 4:26-29The ever growing kingdom
Simon Clarke14/11/2021 amMark 4:26-29The kingdom of God
Simon Clarke21/11/2021 amMark 4:30-34Who would have thought?
Simon Clarke28/11/2021 amMark 4:35-41The stiller of the storm
Ian Hilder05/01/2020_pmMark 4:35-41The Storm
Michael Prest06/11/16 amMark 5:1-20The demon possessed man
Simon Clarke12/12/2021 amMark 5:1-20What a story to tell
Simon Clarke16/01/2022 amMark 5:21-6:1Faith in Jesus brings Peace and Life
Jonathan Robinson11/02/2018 pmMark 5:21-43The glory of Christ
David Donegani05/05/2019_amMark 6:1-6Jesus the Carpenter
Simon Clarke16/01/2022 amMark 6:1-6Honour Christ in your life
Simon Clarke13/02/2022 amMark 6:6-32Counting the cost of gospel ministry
Simon Clarke08/09/2019_pmMark 6:33-34A call for gospel compassion
Simon Clarke09/10/2022 pmMark 6:30-44The feeding of the five thousand
Simon Clarke30/10/2022 amMark 6:45-52Trust Christ to save you and to keep you until the end
Simon Clarke27/11/2022 amMark 7:1-23The Ugly, the Bad and the GoodVideo
Simon Clarke11/12/2022 pmMark 7:24-30The faith that finds freedom from miseryVideo
Simon Clarke18/12/2022 amMark 7:31-37This Christmas it will take a miracle for people to believe in JesusVideo
Jack Milner30/08/2015 amMark 7:37
The deaf and dumb healed
Simon Clarke08/01/2023 pmMark 8:1-33It’s make-your-mind-up-time!Video
Simon Clarke08/07/2007 pmMark 8:22-38Baptismal Service – What it means to be a Christian
Peter MacKenzie22/05/2022 amMark 8:27-38Take up the cross and follow Christ
Simon Clarke15/01/2023 pmMark 8:27 – 9:1Between Christ’s cross and His coming, invest in the loss that is gain!Video
Simon Clarke22/01/2023 amMark 9:1-13Look, listen and liveVideo
Simon Clarke05/02/2023 pmMark 9:4-32The condescension and power of Christ to bring order to chaosVideo
Kevin Ball16/10/2022 pmMark 9:2-29Monday morning faith
Simon Clarke12/02/2023 pmMark 9:30-503 ways to be the greatest
Simon Clarke26/02/2023 pmMark 10:1-12The call of Christ to discipleship in marriageVideo
Simon Clarke05/03/2023 pmMark 10:13-16Be sure to learn from little childrenVideo
Simon Clarke12/03/2023 pmMark 10:17-31The Man who couldn’t countVideo
Ian Hilder14/08/16 pmMark 10:17-31The man with everything who had nothing
John Harris12/01/2020_amMark 10:17-21Eternal life
Simon Clarke26/03/2023 amMark 10:32-45Suffering servantsVideo
Simon Clarke16/04/2023 amMark 10:46-52May Christ’s mercy be sought and known in your life
John Harris12/01/2020_pmMark 10:46-52Blind Bartimaeus
David Donegani07/05/2023 amMark 11:1-11Kings, crowns and coronations
Simon Clarke02/04/2023 amMark 11:1-11Honour the King of Kings with the whole of your life.
Simon Clarke23/04/2023 amMark 11:12-26Jesus curses the fig treeVideo
Simon Clarke14/05/2023 amMark 11:27 – 12:12The authority of Christ
Simon Clarke21/05/2023 amMark 12:13-17There is a war on – a spiritual battle
Simon Clarke21/05/2023 amMark 12:13-17Total devotion its sweetness and its sournessVideo
Simon Clarke04/06/2023 amMark 12:18-27What matters the most?
Simon Clarke09/07/2023 amMark 12:28-34We are to love
Andrew Birch08/05/2022 amMark 12:28-31Love for our neighbours
Simon Clarke16/07/2023 amMark 12:35-44Jesus is King. What is your response to Him?
Alex Warren28/04/2024 amMark 13Christ’s return
Alex Warren05/05/2024 amMark 14:1-11What is the attitude of your heart to Jesus?
Alex warren26/05/2024 amMark 14:12-25Christ in control, so remember His sacrificeVideo
Simon Clarke02/06/2024 amMark 14:26-43
When failure is far-reaching but is neither final not fatal!Video
Simon Clarke09/06/2024 pmMark 14:26-43GethsemaneVideo
Simon Clarke16/06/2024 amMark 14:32-52The scriptures must be fulfilledVideo
Ian Hilder19/05/2019_pmMark 14:12-26
The Lord’s Table
Ian Hilder18/03/2018 pmMark 14:12-32The Shepherd struck and the sheep scattered
Simon Clarke23/06/2024 amMark 14:53-72
The trial before the Sanhedrin of ChristVideo
Alex Warren30/06/2024 amMark 15:1-15Jesus before Pilate
Alex Warren28/07/2024 amMark 15:33-47Be in no doubt, Jesus died
Simon Clarke21/07/2024 amMark 15:24-39What or who do you see on the cross?
Alex Warren14/07/2024 amMark 15:33-41Look in wonder at the cross of ChristVideo
Alex Warren07/07/2024 amMark 15:1-32Why did Jesus die?
Jonathan Robinson11/11/2018 pmMark 15:16-41Deliverance from sin
Ian Hilder16/07/2017 amMark 15:23Jesus drank all the cup of God’s wrath
Simon Clarke16/06/2024 pmMark 15:24-39The work and person of our Lord Jesus ChristVideo
Simon Clarke24/03/2024 amMark 15:32-16:11The ministry of women in the church
Simon Clarke11/08/2024 amMark 16:1-8Consider the Evidence of the Resurrection of Christ
Simon Clarke18/08/2024 amMark 16:1-20One truth, and three consequencesVideo
Simon Clarke01/09/2024 amMark 16:1-20Jesus’ departure