
PreacherDateTextTitle – left click to play (right click to download)Link to YouTube Video
Simon Clarke15/01/2012 pmPsalm 1Blessedness
Ian Hilder28/04/2019 pmPsalm 1The two ways
Jason Gillespie15/06/2008 amPsalm 1:1-3What is the basis of your happiness?
Simon Clarke22/01/2012 pmPsalm 2Kiss the Son
Ian Hilder10/03/2019 pmPsalm 2What is your attitude to Jesus Christ?
Peter Rush11/02/07 amPsalm 3Peace of the believer at a time of disaster
Simon Clarke29/01/2012 pmPsalm 3The cry that brings peace
Simon Clarke05/02/2012 pmPsalm 4Conquering Conflict with Comfort
Mike Stringer15/01/2023 amPsalm 4The goodness of GodVideo
Simon Clarke15/04/2012 pmPsalm 5Earnest prayer
Mike Stringer20/09/2015 pmPsalm 8:1-9
A glimpse of God’s glory: Victor, Creator, Maker of Man, Incarnate
Hugh Thomson28/09/2008 amPsalm 8What is man?
Matthew Hill27/05/07 amPsalm 8Listen here
Jay Modha19/02/2012 amPsalm 13Transformed from sorrow to singing
John Eardley26/06.2022 amPsalm 13Prayer lessons from lament
Ian Hilder02/10/2016 amPsalm 15Who may go to Heaven?
Ian Hilder11/09/2016 amPsalm 16:5-6The LORD is my portion
Simon Clarke07/10/2007 pmPsalm 16:6God, our potion and our lot
Bill Patterson02/06/2019_pmPsalm 17:1-15
A plea to God from David and a pattern of prayer
Simon Clarke21/01/2018 pmPsalm 18 v 1-19The delights of God
Roger Hitchings30/12/2012 amPsalm 18:1-19God delivers His people
Roger Hitchings30/12/2012 pmPsalm 18:19-30The blessings of God to justified sinners
Roger Hitchings06/01/2013 amPsalm 18:30-50The ground of our hope
Ian Hilder24/07/2016 pmPsalm 18:2The LORD is my rock
David Wilks
21/01/2007 amPsalm 19Listen
Simon Clarke12/02/2012 pmPsalm 19How God has made himself known to us.
Jack Milner24/07/2011 amPsalm 19Attesting to God’s Glory
David Donegani07/07/2024 pmPsalm 19:7-14David’s experience of God
Tim Berry19/08/2012 pmPsalm 23Be content, the Lord is your shepherd
Ian Hilder20/01/2019 amPsalm 22The Humiliation and Triumph of Jesus
Ian Hilder31/07/2016 amPsalm 23The LORD is my shepherd
29/01/2023 pmJohn HarrisPsalm 23The shadow of deathVideo
Simon Clarke13/08/2023 amPsalm 23The Christians Remarkable Story
Ian Hilder
07/01/2018 amPsalm 24The Holy Spirit and God’s people
Ian Hilder
14/01/2018 amPsalm 25The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ
Simon Clarke10/11/2019_amPsalm 25Remembrance Day
Ian Hilder14/08/2016 amPsalm 28:7The LORD is my strength
John Eardley20/10/2013 amPsalm 29God rules
Alex Warren02/07/2017 amPsalm 29God still speaks today
Simon Clarke09/10/2011 amPsalm 31Your times are in His hands
Alan Levy08/07/2012 amPsalm 32Blessedness
Simon Clarke24/08/2014 pmPsalm 32True Happiness
Simon Clarke08/05/2016 pmPsalm 32Find real happiness
Jack Milner06/01/2013 pmPsalm 33:18-19Behold the eye of the LORD
Jonathan Robinson24/07/2022 pmPsalm 34David discovered gems of God
Simon Terry19/03/2023 amPsalm 34A poignant placeVideo
Ian Hilder20/08/2023 amPsalm 37When the wicked seem to get away with it
Ian Hilder09/08/2020Psalm 45The Bridegroom and the Bride
Paul Taylor19/10/2008 amPsalm 46God is our refuge
Simon Clarke31/08/2014 pmPsalm 46There will be trouble ahead
Joseph Cresswell26/05/2019_amPsalm 51
What does repentance really look like?
Simon Clarke
10/03/2013 pmPsalm 55Cast your burden on the Lord
Bruce Powell15/08/2010 amPsalm 55:22Cast your care on Him
Chris Jones19/05/2024 pmPsalm 57Glorify God in our trials
Jim Bottrell
07/04/2013 pmPsalm 59How to cope with hostility from the world.
Ian Hilder24/09/2017 amPsalm 65Good reason to praise God
Nick Pollock21/01/2024 pmPsalm 69A Messianic Psalm
Ian Hilder26/05/2019_pmPsalm 71The Lord my refuge from womb to tomb
Simon Clarke25/06/2017 pmPsalm 84:1-4Take your  own spiritual health check
Simon Clarke30/07/2017 pmPsalm 84:5-8The best of journeys
Simon Clarke06/08/2017 pmPsalm 84:9-12Blessed is he whose trust is in the LORD
Neville Swain08/08/2010 pmPsalm 85:6Revival
Jack Milner12/12/2010 pmPsalm 85:8Hear what the Lord says
Simon Clarke15/10/2023 amPsalm 86Speak to God, hear Him and so focus your prayer
John Harris27/09/2015 pmPsalm 86:11b
Unity of heart
Ian Hilder18/08/2019_pmPsalm 89How long Lord?
Ian Hilder25/08/2019_pmPsalm 89How long Lord?
Alan Levy
03/11/2013 pmPsalm 89:30-37The covenant of God
Ian Hilder08/03/20_amPsalm 90Teach me to number my days
Ian Hilder22/03/2020Psalm 91Safe in the LORD
Roger Chambers12/06/2011 amPsalm 93The floods have lifted up their voice
Simon Clarke15/09/2024 amPsalm 95Worship (i)
Alex Warren21/01/2024 amPsalm 100A call to joyful worship
David Donegani09/01/2022 amPsalm 100 & Psalm 27One thing
Bill Patterson16/08/2015 pmPsalm 103
True Praise
Mike Stringer12/08/2012 pmPsalm 103Self-confidence our biggest threat
Mike Stringer29/04/2007 pmPsalm 103:3Full Forgiveness
Ian Hilder15/10/2017 amPsalm 114 v 8The Rock into a Pool
Kevin Ball08/10/2023 amPsalm 117The call, cause & command to praise the LORD
Ian Hilder25/09/2016 amPsalm 118:14The LORD is my song
Andrew Birch06/02/2022 amPsalm 119:97What does the bible mean to you?
Ian Hilder03/01/2021Psalm 121
The LORD: my Helper, my Keeper
Neil Osbourne23/07/2023 pmPsalm 121My King and my Keeper
Roger Chambers01/05/2022 pmPsalm 121Confidence in a father’s care
Alan Stenfalt28/06/2015 amPsalm 126
The LORD has done great things for us
Jon Parsons31/07/2016 pmPsalm 127Unless the LORD builds
Roger Chambers29/05/2022 pmPsalm 130Confidence in a father’s forgiveness
Simon Clarke25/02/2024 amPsalm 130The deepVideo
Simon Clarke09/12/2007 amPsalm 130:1-4Depth of soul cry
Alan Levy27/01/2008 pmPsalm 130:3-4The reverential fear of God
Benny Clark01/072007 amPsalm 131Unity of Christians
Julian Hurst25/01/2009 amPsalm 136Give thanks to God
Simon Clarke29/12/2024 pmPsalm 136Thankfulness
Paul Olise05/04/2009 amPsalm 139God is all knowing
Simon Clarke07/09/2014 pmPsalm 139Omniscience of God
John Eardley26/11/2023 pmPsalm 139The Knowledge of God
Roger Chambers06/08/2023 amPsalm 139This is my God
David Donegani07/05/2023 pmPsalm 145Feast on the word of God
Simon Clarke27/09/2015 amPsalm 147:8cGod who makes grass to grow
Ian Hilder12/05/2019_pmPsalm 147:1-6
It is good to sing praises to our God