April, May & June 2022 PreacherDateTextTitle – left click to play (right click to download) John Harris03/04/2022 am1 Corinthians 15:1-11Why are you here?John Harris03/04/2022 pmExodus 1-2:10What of the Egyption experience?Andrew Birch10/04/2022 amJohn 13:21-35Our love for one anotherDavid Doneganni10/04/2022 pm1 Peter 1:1-12What is your view of our world?Nigel Holmes24/04/2022 amEzekiel 1The glory of GodDavid Doneganni24/04/2022 pm1 Peter 1:13-2:3Newbirth into a living hopePhilip Raine01/05/2022 amLuke 24v36-49How has Easter changed your life?Roger Chambers01/05/2022 pmPsalm 121Confidence in a father’s careAndrew Birch08/05/2022 amMark 12:28-31Love for our neighboursPete Petra08/05/2022 pmColossians 1:15-18A fuller view of ChristNeil Osbourne15/05/2022 amJames 1:18-27Now you do it!David Donegani15/05/2022 pm1 Peter 2:4-12How to livePeter MacKenzie22/05/2022 amMark 8:27-38Take up the cross and follow ChristAndrew Birch22/05/2022 pmEphesians 5:21-32Love the ChurchJosh Donegani29/05/2022 amHaggai 2:1-9What motivates you to go on?Roger Chambers29/05/2022 pmPsalm 130Confidence in a father’s forgivenessNigel Holmes05/06/2022 amEzekiel 8:18-9:10The anger of GodDavid Donegani05/06/2022 pm1 Peter 2:13-3:7SubmitDavid Donegani12/06/2022 amActs 1:1-11The Ascension of JesusPeter Harrison12/06/2022 pmLuke 24:1-36The road to EmmausJosh Harrison19/06/2022 amMatthew 6:5-15Our Father in heavenAndrew Birch19/06/2022 pm1 Samuel 1Hannah and the birth of SamuelMike Stringer26/06.2022 amHebrews 9:26bEncouragement for ChristiansJohn Eardley26/06.2022 amPsalm 13Prayer lessons from lament